Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Diana's Demo Reel III - The Computer Lab

Access to technology and networking tools as they exist today are changing how we think, work, learn and live. As during the last great split from the normative causalities of daily life illustrated during the Industrial Revolution, the entire template for daily living has been scrapped and replaced with a newly forming organic prototype. What is happening today is just the beginning of the new standard that will lead to ways of discovering and interacting, with both information and each other, in ways never imagined.

When seen through the eyes of a newly arrived immigrant, the barriers that must be overcome in order to integrate successfully into Canadian life are three fold. First, there is the expectation of language skills; then the expectation of interpersonal or soft skills, cultural skills if you will; and lastly, the expectation of digital literacy skills within a Canadian context. Our instructors often lament the difficulties in assisting their students with a task as simple, as one would see it in Canada, as setting up an email address. Some of our clientele, perhaps even a majority, are not fully equipped with the Canadian set of technological skills, which are integral to survival in a culture where individuals are heavily dependent on digital literacy. Canadians have passively absorbed the effects of the technology revolution now underway to the point we often do not consciously recognise the grandiose shift that is unfolding.

That being said our third episode of Diana's Demo Reel takes place in one of our computer labs, with a focus on this particular visit on online job search skills.

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