Friday, February 12, 2016

CIES Family Tree - Alastair Linds

If you were once a part of the CIES family, you will always be part of the CIES family and as a result yesterday former CIES Employment Skills Training instructor Alastair Linds popped in for a visit, A couple years back Alastair took a position with Alberta Health Services' Knowledge and Innovation Department, but CIES remains close to his heart, To this day, he still recounts his three years at CIES as an eye-opening and inspiring experience. "Seeing all these people who come to Canada for a new life, working so hard to get their foot in the door, left a great impression on me" Linds recounted.

Both his time here at CIES and the fact his mother immigrated to Canada from Japan tethers Linds to the newcomer's journey and he sees immigration as more important than ever to our country's future. An ageing population, a downturn in the economy, and a lack of people skilled in trades means immigration will continue to be a bedrock of Canada's growth.

CIES send s a big thank you to our former EST instructor, both for his time here with us and for the work he is now doing with one of Alberta's most important wings of government. All the best!

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