Tuesday, October 27, 2015

CIES - The New Era

For nearly three decades the Calgary Immigrant Educational Society has been an integral part of the Calgary community, having served more than 250,000 clients since 1988. As we move further into the 21st century, we continue our mission - to provide Calgary immigrants and economically disadvantaged individuals with a solid foothold in Canada and afford them the opportunities to grow into productive, confident and contributive Canadians - and today serve more than 1000 individual clients each and every day.

After several ideas and proposals, our Board of Directors voted in a new version of our logo and to no longer use a separate logo for our NE location. Further streamlining the Society, we now have only one website, rather than one for each location. The new logo has been swapped into all online entities (including right up top here on our blog) and you can click here to checkout our new improved and unified website.

With a solid and unified online presence in place that integrates our website with our blog, Facebook and Twitter pages, the latest initiatives now in the works include online scheduling and access, a shared filing system and online teachers resource centre, amongst others.

A call for an organizational upgrade and adaptation to the technological revolution of which we are now in the throes is now our mandate and this ongoing shift symbolizes how a bottom up, self-organizing system here at CIES, will help immigrants adapt to how Canadians both live and learn in today's world - and that is our ultimate goal.

1 comment:

  1. A leyendo aprendí real mente mucho de estos aparatos tecnológicos llamado scaners en inglés igualmente es incregible que use la luz para hacer fotocopia de imágenes también se que Al obtenerse una imagen digital se puede corregir defectos, recortar un área específica de la imagen o también digitalizar texto mediante técnicas de OCR. Estas funciones las puede llevar a cabo el mismo dispositivo o aplicaciones especiales existen scaners que escanean imágenes y se pueden dihitar todo con una hoja y una foto estos tiene una targeta madre o la board real mente me gusto el tema y la programación es excelente en el futuro habrán scaners capases de crear cosas o piezas reales con solo tomar la forma y armar la coordenadas

    NOMBRE:Johan alarcon

    Profesor:efrain monray ariza
